I am a mom to 2 teenagers, I also have a dog named Aspen and 2 cats, named Pretzel and poppy.

I am so passionate about helping people and advocating for things I believe in. one of the ways I have helped others is by being a surrogate 3 times. these experiences made me more resilient and blessed me in countless ways.

Lately you can find me doing a lot of reading and writing. I am currently working on my doctorate in curriculum and instruction, and I am writing a book about the progression within math problem solving!

I am a huge mavericks fan. I love earrings, tattoos, and helping people (of all ages) realize they are “math people.”

I love the enneagram.! It helps me to understand myself and be more self aware. It also helps me to have better relationships with others because we all see the world differently. I’m an 8 wing 7. I would love to have conversations with you about your number and what that means for you!

I have a degree in business administration and one in interdisciplinary studies. I also have my master’s in educational technology leadership. I am certified to teach math EC-8th grade and to be a campus administrator.

About Dani

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